03304 410011
The excitement and momentum of your company’s success and expansion, along with the need to take on new buildings and sites, can sometimes feel like it’s overshadowed by the huge amount of paperwork required to be fully functioning.
Included in this potential administrative headache is the increased energy need, either through increasing supply or creating a new connection, both of which are areas that can be complex and potentially costly if approached incorrectly.
At Influx Energy, the many years of experience that our business energy consultants possess in handling new connections has proved to be worth its weight in gold. We deal with complex existing and new infrastructure upgrades, smoothly managing the various suppliers and all other aspects of the network in a timely manner.
In addition to alleviating the administrative burden and making sure everything is in place for your business to continue to run smoothly, there is the potential to make considerable financial savings.
A recent complex project involving a 15 MVA new connection resulted in our customer benefiting from a substantial saving. The Influx Energy team secured this positive result by negotiating progressive capacity availability directly with the network operator.
In another instance, our customer benefited from the team’s knowledge, by achieving the early completion on supply re-enforcement, saving the business from additional overheads, loss of production and having to use a restrictive and expensive temporary energy source. Influx Energy achieved savings of £18,000 on energy use alone.
Our involvement doesn’t just stop because you’ve signed the supply contract. Once the supply starts we monitor your usage and charges to ensure that these not only reflect the contracts in place but also maximise further savings once your building becomes fully operational.
Contact us to learn more about our new supplies management services