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Faced with budget cuts, Northumberland County Council were looking to find sensible and practical ways in which they could make savings on one of their biggest overheads – energy. A history of poor relationships with suppliers and the lack of necessary in-house expertise had made this a difficult process in the past and prompted NCC to seek external help.
NCC have benefitted from our full portfolio of energy management services since 2009, and the level of customer satisfaction is such that our partnership is set to continue into a third decade.
Our invoice validation service alone has saved the council the considerable sum of £75,000 over a three-year period when applied to the 57 schools and academies in its catchment area.
“Influx Energy provide unrivalled expert advice, which has resulted in significant cost savings for the Council. We are extremely happy with the service we receive from Influx Energy and would recommend them without hesitation.” – Ian Blackburn, Principal Commercial & Compliance Officer, Northumberland County Council (until his departure in late 2017)